Message 1Aesthetic Medicine for YouBeata Danek, M.D.Dariusz J. Nasiek, M.D.
Aesthetic Medicine for You
Aesthetic Medicine for YouBeata Danek, M.D.Dariusz J. Nasiek, M.D.With dedication to our Patients
FOREWORDHow do you preserve youth? The answer to this has varied throughout different epochs and countries, but this ques-tion always leads to the search for new means to slow down the aging process.Our long-ago ancestors lived relatively short lives. They lived an aver-age of 35 years. In the 19th century, life was extended by a decade. In the 20th century the average life expectancy increased by another 30 years.Nobody wants to grow old. Everyone dreams of having a sleek and slim gure and being healthy, agile and full of life and energy.Anti-aging medicine is the medicine of youth. Will anti-aging medi-cine help us enjoy the time life offers us? The answer is yes. That is its goal. Anti-aging medicine helps patients achieve their optimal physi-cal and mental health at every age. The goal of youth medicine is to prolong and improve the quality of life while maintaining physical and mental tness, well-being, and appearance in every stage of life.
Anti-aging medicine covers a number of medical elds which inter-sect. These scientic studies include research in: genetics, chemistry and clinical disciplines such as endocrinology, internal medicine, sur-gery, and transplantology.The authors of this book, Beata Danek, M.D. and Dariusz J. Nasiek, M.D., are experts in the eld of aesthetic and cosmetic medicine. Based on their longtime experience and extensive knowledge, they present in this book the techniques of their treatments and procedures in the most comprehensive way.There is still limited knowledge of the latest popular science in the eld of aesthetic and cosmetic medicine. This book should ll the gap and provide you with a pleasant and interesting read.Congratulations to the authors on a successful project!Dariusz Nowak, M.D. Board Certied in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology
INTRODUCTIONFinding a way to preserve a youthful appearance is not a new phe-nomenon. Youth and beauty have become intrinsic values. Fashion focusing on attractiveness and longevity is gaining more and more supporters who want to take full advantage of its opportunities.Medical progress has led to an effective ght against signs of aging and has helped extend the life span by several decades. Only a quarter of a century ago, women who wished to improve their ap-pearance visited beauticians or turned to plastic surgeons for solutions, lacking any intermediate alternatives.At the present time simple rejuvenation methods do exist. These work more deeply and are more effective than cosmetic treatments and, at the same time, are less invasive than plastic surgeries. Aesthetic medicine came out strongly to meet these intermediate needs, and therefore became fashionable. What was once expensive and inacces-sible is now commonly used today. Aesthetic medicine offers noninvasive rejuvenating treatments available to everyone.
Many people think that only healthy and young looking people can succeed in their professional and personal lives. Wrinkles and damaged skin do not t the modern image of successful people. And yet, wrinkles are inevitable. There is no denite age during which wrinkles appear. The aging process depends on genetic predispositions, damage caused by excessive sun expo-sure, pollution in the natural environment, cigarette smoking, etc.Wrinkles are not only a cosmetic and aesthetic problem, however. For many people, aging brings discomfort, which affects their mental well-being. The following will offer information about the possibilities and benets of aesthetic medicine today. The information contained in this book is based on ten years of experience in the area and will provide a description of the most commonly performed procedures, their application, and effectiveness. The knowledge contained in this book will allow you to make an informed decision about the best nonsurgical ways to rejuvenate and enhance your beauty.Pleasant reading!Beata Danek, M.D. Dariusz J. Nasiek, M.D.
Copyright © 2012 Beata Danek, M.D. & Dariusz J. Nasiek, M.D.All Rights Reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher; exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews.Published by: Beata Danek, M.D. & Dariusz J. Nasiek, M.D.Editors: Mgr Grażyna Kosowska-Dobrzelecki, Wojciech T. MleczkoTranslated by: Luisa NasiekPhotographs taken by: Zosia Żeleska-BobrowskiComposition & Production: POLISH PAGES, Inc.ISBN: 978-0-9855274-1-9Printed in the United States of AmericaAESTHETIC MEDICINE CLINICNEW YORK735 Manhattan AvenueBrooklyn, NY 11222NEW JERSEY1117 Road 46 East, Suite 301Clifton, NJ 07013Tel: 973-773-7730Toll-Free: 800-355-9075www.MedycynaEstetycznaUSA.comCOSMETIC MEDICINE - NEW YOUCHICAGO5545 N. Milwaukee AvenueChicago, IL 60630Tel: 773-792-8181www.NewYouChicago.com1212ANNIVERSARYthth
TABLE OF CONTENTSBOTOX® ...............................................................................11 BOTOX® - Crow’s Feet ..........................................................14 BOTOX® - Horizontal Forehead Wrinkles ................................16 BOTOX® - Vertical Forehead Wrinkles ....................................19 PERMANENT BOTOX® ....................................................... 20 BOTOX® - Hyperhidrosis ....................................................... 22 BABY BOTOX® .................................................................... 23 RESTYLANE® ...................................................................... 25 RESTYLANE® - Lip Augmentation ......................................... 26 RESTYLANE® - Nasolabial Wrinkles ...................................... 29 SCULPTRA® .........................................................................31 SILIKON™ ............................................................................33 PEELINGS ........................................................................... 34 MESOTHERAPY .................................................................. 38 SCLEROTHERAPY ............................................................... 40 SURGICAL EXCISIONS .........................................................41
11BOTOX® is the trade name of botulinum toxin and the common name of BOTOX® injec-tions. BOTOX® is the means by which wrinkles are smoothed, primarily in the upper part of the face.The very rst studies on the clinical use of botulinum toxin were carried out in the 1950s and 1960s. Physicians realized then that small doses of this medicine caused temporary muscle paralysis. This medicine was rst used in the 1970s for the treatment of strabismus, or lazy eye syndrome. As a result of the medication the healthy eye muscle was weakened, evening out the strain placed on the eye and correcting the prior defect.Subsequently, botulinum toxin began to be used to treat various types of muscle spasms, tics of the face, spasms of the vocal cords, etc. In the 1990s, it was discovered that BOTOX® blocked excessive perspiration. The drug was also applied in the treatment of palsy. In 1989, the FDA (The Food and Drug Administration) ofcially approved BOTOX® for medical uses.In the early 1990s, the rst reports on the cosmetic use of BOTOX® to smooth excessive wrinkle lines on the forehead and around the eyes were published. In 2002, BOTOX® was approved by the FDA for the treatment of wrinkles and for general use in aesthetic med-icine. This was a turning point for aesthetic medicine. Since then, treatments using BO-TOX® began to enjoy unprecedented popularity, rst among actors and artists, and then throughout society.BOTOX® blocks the transition of nerve impulses from nerve endings to the muscles. Due to this muscles lose their ability to respond and therefore cannot contract, smoothing out wrinkles in the surrounding area.BOTOX®
12BOTOX® works only on the muscles that have been injected, while others function as usu-al. The skin softens gradually, allowing the patient to get used to the changes that follow the treatment.BOTOX® is injected using a disposable syringe with a very ne needle in small quantities and in several places. The treatment does not require anesthesia. For patients sensitive to pain, an anesthetic cream or a temporary cooling of the treated area is available.The length of treatment depends on the number of treated areas and the extent to which they are treated. Patients can return to normal activity immediately after the procedure. BOTOX® takes effect two to three days after its injection. The full effects of this treatment are visible after one or two weeks.This treatment lasts approximately four to six months depending on the predisposition of the body. With regular use, the effects of BOTOX® can last over a year.Injections of BOTOX® are the most commonly performed procedures among all treat-ments of aesthetic medicine. In 2010, 10.2 million BOTOX® procedures were performed in the United States alone and that number is growing each year.Complications after the procedure are rare, and usually disappear after a short period of time. The most adverse side effects of the procedure include redness in the area of injec-tion, light bruising, slight swelling, headache, or muscle weakness.Precautions for treatment with BOTOX® are relative. These include pregnancy, breast feeding, disorders of cardiovascular and nervous systems and muscle disorders.
14Wrinkles around the eyes, also referred to as “laugh lines” or “crow’s feet”, are hard to hide. These lines seem particularly visible. The skin around the eyes is delicate and sensi-tive, contains little fat tissue, and its bers are thin and weak. It is prone to redness, irrita-tion and a faster aging process. Treatments to eliminate these wrinkles are based on injections of BOTOX®. The treatment prevents the contraction of facial muscles, which in turn leads to a reduction of unpleasant changes existing around the eyes.BOTOX®Crow’s Feet
15Points of BOTOX® injectionsWrinkles under eyesa.k.a. “crow’s feet”
16BOTOX®Horizontal Forehead WrinklesWrinkles on the forehead appear because of forehead wrinkling, usually due to worry, won-der, or surprise. All people inherit a predisposition to wrinkles, not just on the forehead, but also everywhere else. The speed at which they develop is controlled by genes.We have limited impact on the aging process. Proper diet and creams are not always enough to stave off wrinkles. Thus, it is worthwhile to refer to methods which may delay the process of aging. BOTOX® is one of these treatments and has been successful in post-poning the aging process.
17Points of BOTOX® injectionsHorizontal forehead wrinkles
19BOTOX®Vertical Forehead WrinklesVertical forehead wrinkles are the result of eye squinting, forehead wrinkling, shortsight-edness, and frequent exposure to the sun. Mimic habits, which are difcult to control, also lead to the formation of wrinkles on the forehead. Another contributing factor is the reduc-tion of skin elasticity and rmness occurring with the passing of years.The forehead is a visible and sensitive place. Vertical forehead wrinkles do not add charm. They give the face a grim, anxious, or tired appearance. Such wrinkles can be removed with BOTOX® or lled with hyaluronic acid.Vertical forehead wrinklesPoints of BOTOX® injections
20PERMANENT BOTOX®Normally, the effects of BOTOX® last up to 6 months. With perma-nent BOTOX® this period can be extended to over a year. Giving an increased dose at short intervals causes the activity of BOTOX® to extend. Patients visit the doctor less and have fewer uncomfortable contacts with a needle.
Points of permanentBOTOX® injections
22BOTOX®HYPERHIDROSISSweat by itself does not smell. It is bacte-ria on the skin that causes decomposition of the sweat that is responsible for the un-pleasant odor. Sometimes we perspire in-tensely for no particular reason; this is called hyperhidrosis.Injections of BOTOX® are a good meth-od of preventing heavy sweating. The treat-ment works by blocking the nerve endings that interact with the exocrine glands. One half-hour treatment relieves patients of ex-cessive sweating for approximately half a year. This treatment is performed for exces-sive perspiration of the armpits, feet, and hands.
BABY BOTOX®The latest trend in BOTOX® treatment was named BABY BOTOX® when a growing num-ber of BOTOX® supporters decided to limit the amount of injected substance in favor of a more natural look.Not willing to forgo their face-saving BOTOX® treatments entirely, the amount of inject-ed substance is reduced and still results in a face devoid of facial wrinkles, while creating a slightly refreshed and naturally adjusted look.The advantage of BABY BOTOX® is the ability to use it at an early age when wrinkles are just beginning to appear. The procedure can assist in eliminating signs of premature aging.Points of BABY BOTOX® injections
25RESTYLANE®RESTYLANE® is a hyaluronic acid gel. Hyaluronic acid is a substance found naturally in the skin and subcutaneous tissue of man. It is re-sponsible for adequate hydration, rmness of the skin, and subcutane-ous tissue volume.Formulations containing hyaluronic acid, such as RESTYLANE®, allow for the lling in of wrinkles, deep furrows on the face, and for the non-surgical improvement of the shape of the nose.RESTYLANE® is usually used to ll in deep wrinkles in the nasolabial area and in lip augmentation. It can also ll in ne wrinkles around the mouth and correct drooping corners of the mouth.
26With time the amount of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin decreases. This also oc-curs in the skin around the mouth and the lips. The result of this is a loss of volume and rmness of the lips and drooping mouth corners.RESTYLANE® is a special product created for the enhancement and beautication of the lips. It adds volume, emphasizes their shape, shapes lip contour and eliminates wrinkles around the corners of the mouth. Its formula is tailored to the anatomical structure of the lips.The treatment involves the injection of hyaluronic acid in the place indicated by the patient. Prior to administration of the injection, the physician desensitizes the area where the treat-ment will be applied. The procedure takes about 30 minutes and the result of this treat-ment is immediately visible.The results of RESTYLANE® treatments are long-lasting but not permanent. They last from six months to one year depending on the skin type and age of the patient.RESTYLANE® contains only components that do not cause allergies. It is absorbed with time, leaving no permanent traces in the body.RESTYLANE®Lip Augmentation
29RESTYLANE®Nasolabial WrinklesWhen signs of aging in the face take place, it is not just due to wrinkles, but also due to changes occurring in the facial features. With time the skin loses its plumpness and elastic-ity. Gravity pulls the excess of loose skin further down causing it to droop and sag. Chang-es distorting the shape of the face include nasolabial wrinkles. Return to former facial har-mony is possible thanks to RESTYLANE® injections.After consultation with the patient and before beginning the treatment, the doctor decides whether to use local anesthesia or anesthetic cream.Hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin with a needle. The formula is exible, soft and has a uniform consistency identical to that of a patient’s tissue. This makes it invisible and un-detectable. To distribute the formula, a delicate massage is performed. RESTYLANE® lls wrinkles and obtains a natural effect.Results are immediate and last about 6-12 months or longer. Immediately after the pro-cedure, the patient can return to normal activities. The absorbing ller provides excel-lent hydration to the surrounding tissue, producing the effect of relaxed and healthy skin. Sometimes, light bruises appear after the procedure, but they can be easily covered with make-up.Precautions for the procedure are relative and include pregnancy and breastfeeding, skin inammation at the proposed treatment area, and unstable systemic diseases.
31SCULPTRA® is a synthetic material with a composition identical to that of the lactic acid produced by muscles during any physical effort or activity. It is the ller initially used to ll large losses of face tissue in people with chronic illnesses.Gradually, SCULPTRA® found use in regular treatments in aesthetic medicine. It is used to improve the appearance of the skin, especially in cases of large subcutaneous cavities such as hollow cheeks, sunken chins, sunken eye sockets, deep nasolabial wrinkles, and oth-er mimic facial wrinkles. SCULPTRA® is also used to rejuvenate fragile skin on the hands.Anyone can get SCULPTRA® treatments, but the best results are obtained in patients be-tween 35 and 60 years of age.SCULPTRA® is injected with a ne needle in a predened spot. If the decrease of mass or wrinkle is small, anesthet-ic cream or cooling of the injected spot will be sufcient. For larger procedures a local anesthesia is implemented. The treatment lasts from 15 to 30 minutes depending on the size and extent of the lling area.The results are visible after 6-8 weeks; the effect is nat-ural, and involves the gradual reconstruction of the skin’s own collagen. The procedure can be repeated several times until the optimal result is reached and lasts for over two years.SCULPTRA®
33SILIKON™ is a sterile, thick substance which presents in a liquid or gel form.It is non-toxic, does not cause allergies, and is resistant to biodegradation.SILIKON™ is manufactured exclusively for use in ophthalmology, plastic surgery, and aes-thetic medicine. It is used, among other things, in facial modeling and in the treatment of emerging wrinkles, scars and other skin damage.SILIKON™ is applied using a thin syringe injected into the subcutaneous tissue layer. Small amounts are injected under the skin along the wrinkles.Depending on the density of the preparation, space, and techniques used, the effects last from one to several years because SILIKON™ is absorbed very slowly and is eventually bro-ken down by the body’s immune system.After a long period of research, the use of SILIKON™ has proven to be safe.Obviously, the aging process cannot be stopped and new wrinkles may appear around the treated areas.SILIKON™ is ideal for treating wrinkles in different areas of the face. Great results are achieved in the treatment of nasolabial folds, ne wrinkles above and below the mouth, and vertical wrinkles on the cheeks and around the corners of the mouth. Filling lips with SILIKON™ also produces great results.In everyday life we nd SILIKON™ in numerous cosmetics, soaps, deodorants, self-tanning lotions, and even in chewing gum.SILIKON™
34PEELINGS are extremely versatile. They mobilize skin cell renewal and are effective anti-aging elements. They work on the epidermis and dermis simultaneously. On the one hand, they regulate the maturation of the epidermis. On the other hand, they increase the production of colla-gen and elastin.PEELINGS are not limited to refresh-ing gray and tired skin. In mature skin they help smooth out ne wrin-kles and restore lost rmness.PEELINGS are perfect for mitigating the effects of excessive sun exposure, such as calluses, spots, freckles, and discolorations.PEELINGS can also be regarded as part of acne treatment. They help re-move blackheads, reduce inamma-tion, and even reduce scars.Most chemical PEELINGS are based on natural ingredients.PEELINGS
37Treatment consists of applying the preparation (liquid, gel, or mask) on the treated area using a cotton, swab, or brush. The formula re-mains on the skin for several minutes, depending on the properties of the preparation, the patient’s individual sensitivity, and the desired out-come.Some acids, like glycolic acid, require additional neutralization using special preparation. In order to protect the skin, each procedure ends with the application of soothing cream. The skin may remain reddened after the procedure for a day or two. An exfoliation process follows af-ter 3-4 days.Make-up may be applied a few hours after the procedure; however, it is benecial to wait one day before make-up application.Precautions to chemical PEELINGS include long exposure to the sun, skin allergies, taking antibiotics, Accutane or topical Retinol, cardiac drugs, herpes, and irritated or damaged skin.
38MESOTHERAPYMESOTHERAPY is used to treat the symptoms of aging such as wrinkles, elasticity loss and dry skin, as well as baldness and hair loss, cellulite, stretch marks, and scars.The treatment involves injecting small doses of medicinal substances directly into the ab-normal areas of the patient’s body.There are two methods to perform this procedure:1. Manual - with appropriate size needle and syringe.2. Mechanical - using a special gun for MESOTHERAPY.Three or four components of active substances and drugs are titrated according to the pa-tient’s needs. This creates a special blend, which is then applied to the patient.Thanks to this procedure, the condition and appearance of the skin can be quickly, nonsur-gically improved. After the treatment, skin appears to be younger, well-nourished and rest-ed. This method is also effective in preventing hair loss. Specially prepared cocktails nour-ish the skin and contribute to the regeneration of the hair structure. As a result, the hair loss process is inhibited, and in some cases hair re-growth is possible.MESOTHERAPY is also an effective way to ght cellulite. Injections are performed about 0.5 to 1.0 cm. apart. Punctures are almost painless as the needle reaches only the fat tis-sue. Injection of the active preparation improves microcirculation in the subcutaneous tis-sue and increases metabolism of fat cells.Precautions to treatment include pregnancy, diabetes, allergies, herpes, wounds, bleeding disorders, and cancer.
40SCLEROTHERAPYSCLEROTHERAPY is a method used to treat very ne varicose veins, commonly called spider veins.SCLEROTHERAPY involves the injection of a special solution into the vascular lumen. The injection is carried out using a very ne insulin needle.After the injection, the vein shrinks, the closure and brosis of the irri-tated vein wall occurs, blood ow ceases and in several days to several weeks the vein becomes invisible.The procedure is almost painless and does not require anesthesia. It takes about 30 minutes. The patient may return to normal activity immediately.Larger varicose veins in the lower extremities require a pressure dress-ing to increase effectiveness of the treatment.All patients are encouraged to walk after the procedure to prevent ve-nostasis and to promote circulation.Good results often require several treatments.After SCLEROTHERAPY treatment, skin discoloration may occur at the injection site. In most cases, the discoloration spontaneously disap-pears about six months after the procedure.
41Surgical excisions are performed to remove any skin growths, which di-rectly or indirectly result in an unaesthetic appearance, cause discom-fort, or pose the risk of an uncontrolled spread of disease.FIBROMA - a benign tumor composed of the connective tissue compo-nents of the dermis. It occurs as a single nodule, which is movable in the substratum, varying in color from red to brown, with a smooth or rough surface. It usually develops as a result of minor injuries or scratches. Be-nign lamentous bromas are often found on the neck, shoulders, and around the armpits. Fibromas usually do not require treatment. If they cause discomfort, they can be removed by laser or by surgical excision under topical anesthesia or local anesthesia.ATHEROMA - a slow-growing benign painless cyst, in a brous capsule, lled with sebaceous substance. Atheromas have a spherical shape and are mobile along the substratum. Atheromas often produce a white or yellow discoloration. They appear mostly on the face, neck, and chest and occasionally on the scalp. Atheromas are removed surgically un-der local anesthesia. Once removed with a capsule, the atheroma does not regrow.SURGICAL EXCISIONS
42LIPOMA - a benign tumor of the fatty tissue of the dermis or the sub-dermis. Lipomas are covered with normal skin, soft to the touch, and are single or multiple subcutaneous nodules that move along the sub-stratum. They are usually located on the torso, neck, buttocks, fore-arms, and shoulders. They can be easily removed surgically.ORDINARY PAPILLOMA (warts) – most common among viral skin dis-eases. Papillas are benign skin and mucosal growths caused by human papillomavirus. Papillas are most common on the skin of the hands, feet, and genital area. Topical treatment with cream is not very effec-tive. Laser treatment of common warts is the most effective method currently used. One treatment is usually sufcient. It is simple, quick, and painless, and is performed under topical or local anesthesia. Laser treatment precisely removes diseased tissue, which results in fast and proper healing, and provides good cosmetic results.Cryotherapy or freezing is also an effective method for destroying pap-illas. The low temperature causes them to decay and destruct.
44Beata Danek, M.D.Dr. Beata Danek graduated with honors from the Medical University of Silesia in Poland in 1988. She completed her internship and training in Family Medicine at the Sisters of Nazareth Hospital in Chicago be-tween 1989 and 1992. She held the honorary position of “Chief Resi-dent” while at the Sisters of Nazareth Hospital.Since 1993, she has worked in Chicago, where she started and devel-oped a thriving private practice. After obtaining specialization in Anti-Aging Medicine in 2006, she expanded her work in aesthetic medicine and assumed the position of Medical Director of the New You clinic in Chicago.Dr. Danek collaborates with the prestigious Lutheran General Hospi-tal in Park Ridge, IL. She is the author of numerous publications in the eld of cosmetic surgery in the Polish press. She is also a regular med-ical correspondent for Polish radio stations in Chicago.Dr. Danek is an expert in minimally invasive cosmetic care, promoting a natural and healthy lifestyle. In her spare time she enjoys sports with her husband and four children.
45Dariusz J. Nasiek, M.D.Dr. Dariusz J. Nasiek graduated with honors from the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland in 1989. Between 1989 and 1991 he worked as an assistant professor at the Medical University of Silesia in Zabrze. He has resided in the Unit-ed States since 1991. Between 1991 and 1996 he completed ve years of special-ty training at St. Vincent’s Hospital & Medical Center of New York in Manhattan. Between 1997 and 1998 he studied at the Frederick Taylor University in California.After obtaining a specialization in Anti-Aging Medicine, he began to practice aes-thetic medicine. His rst ofce was located in Greenpoint, New York and he opened subsequent ofces in Elmwood Park and in Clifton, New Jersey.Dr. Nasiek is the founder and medical director of the rst Polish aesthetic medicine clinic in the USA. In 2010, Dr. Nasiek’s Aesthetic Medicine clinic celebrated the 10th anniversary of its work. “Aesthetic Medicine for You” has become a regular feature of the Polish medical scene.Dr. Nasiek is known to the Polish community in New Jersey and New York. He teach-es numerous courses and seminars in the eld of aesthetic medicine and is active in the Polish community. Many years of practice and experience in the eld of aes-thetic medicine have led to the collection and elaboration of the information con-tained in this book.
46Mgr Grażyna Kosowska-DobrzeleckiIn 1981, Grażyna completed a law degree at Warsaw University and was em-ployed by the government administration.In 1990, after arriving in the United States, she worked with the Partners in Care Agency in New York, where she obtained appropriate training and licenses.In 2002, she was employed as manager of the existing Greenpoint Aesthet-ic Medicine Clinic and was given the task of expanding the clinic in New Jer-sey. Her role consists of running the Aesthetic Medicine Clinic, maintaining contacts with patients, and spreading knowledge of aesthetic medicine in the ght against the passage of time and its consequences.The information contained in this book was published in the weekly jour-nal, “ABC”, of which she is a weekly correspondent. Additionally, she regular-ly publishes information about new innovations in the eld of aesthetic medi-cine in the Polish weekly and daily newspapers, radio, and the internet (“Nowy Dziennik”, “Kurier Plus”, “Polish American Pages”, Polish American Portal, and Bazarynka). She has also initiated seminars and meet-ings with the Polish community. She takes an active part in all Polish commu-nity events where she promotes the Aesthetic Medicine Clinic.
48Dr. Dariusz J. Nasiek graduated with honors from the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland in 1989. Between 1991 and 1996 he com-pleted ve years of specialty training at St. Vin-cent’s Hospital & Medical Center of New York in Manhattan. Between 1997 and 1998 he studied at the Frederick Taylor University in California.Dr. Nasiek is the founder and medical director of the rst Polish aesthetic medicine clinic in the USA. In 2010, Dr. Nasiek’s Aesthetic Medicine clinic celebrated the 10th anniversary of its work.Dr. Nasiek is known to the Polish community in New Jersey and New York. Many years of prac-tice and experience in the eld of aesthetic medi-cine have led to the collection and elaboration of the information contained in this book.Dr. Beata Danek graduated with honors from the Medical University of Silesia in Poland in 1988.Since 1993, she has worked in Chicago, where she started and developed a thriving private practice. After obtaining specialization in Anti-Aging Medicine in 2006, she expanded her work in aesthetic medicine and assumed the position of Medical Director of the New You clinic in Chi-cago.Dr. Danek collaborates with the prestigious Lu-theran General Hospital in Park Ridge, IL. She is the author of numerous publications in the eld of cosmetic surgery in the Polish press. She is also a regular medical correspondent for Polish radio stations in Chicago.Dr. Danek is an expert in minimally invasive cos-metic care, promoting a natural and healthy life-style.Beata Danek, M.D. Dariusz J. Nasiek, M.D.